Generating data and manipulating objects will introduce data object, structure, some useful functions to describe data, and data manipulation. (Part II - includes dplyr)
Generating data and manipulating objects - Part I
Generating data and manipulating objects - Part II
Data Science
Intermediate Deep Learning with Keras in R and Python including how to use Tensorflow and Keras for sequential models, functional API use and model subclassing.
Data Science
Generating graphics in R - using ggplo2 from beginning with graphics through saving plots, themes, and facets.
Data Science
Intro to Machine Leaning with PythonAn introduction toe machine learning with the python package scikit-learn covers many supervised and unsupervised learning techniques.
Data Science
Reproducible Workflows in R utilizes the targets package to create "make"-like workflows
Data Science
Reproducible Workflows in R on HPC utilizes the targets package to create "make"-like workflows and applying it to the HPC
Data Science
Reproducible Science with Python and Jupyter Notebooks is a short summary of the Carpentries "Reporducible Science with Jupyter Notebook" multi-day training
Data Science
This training summarizes the python training and focuses on how to become a more reproducible science with data and analysis recommendations from start to publication.