High-throughput sequencing is a game-changing technique for biomedical researchers, allowing them to analyze vast amounts of genetic information at once to understand disease, develop new drugs, and personalize medicine. This technology fuels breakthroughs by rapidly sequencing entire genomes, transcriptomes, and more, offering a deeper look into biological processes.
High Throughput Sequencing
GWAS training for ACE Mali - utilizing PLINK, a free, open-source whole genome association analysis toolset, designed to perform a range of basic, large-scale analyses
High Throughput Sequencing
Single-cell RNA-seq tutorial featuring an overview of scRNA-seq, scRNA-seq experimental design, and data analysis.
High Throughput Sequencing
Managing data and simple analyses in the Galaxy cyber-environment (Practical)
High Throughput Sequencing
How to Check the Quality of Illumina Sequencing Reads with FastQC
High Throughput Sequencing
Processing of Aligned Reads for RNA-seq using R from QC and trimming, to mapping and differential analysis
High Throughput Sequencing
Intro to NGS and Sanger Sequencing including the technology, sequencers and their applicability to differen research questions.
High Throughput Sequencing
Haplotype-based Association Test, Linkage Analysis for Binary Traits and Quantitative Traits
High Throughput Sequencing
NGS: Mapping and de novo assembly - examines intro to NGS analysis methods, especially mapping NGS reads and de novo assembly
High Throughput Sequencing
An introduction to next generation sequening platforms, analysis basics and common applications of NGS
High Throughput Sequencing
RNA-seq training with an introduction to RNA-seq, mapping reads, transcript assembly and diffferential expression.
High Throughput Sequencing
RNASeq with R-Bioconductor - provide an introduction to R, Bioconductor and RNASeq analysis
High Throughput Sequencing
Whole exome sequencing and variant analysis workflow and tools
High Throughput Sequencing
ChIP-seq Theory, Hands-on Analysis using Useq, and downstream analysis steps
High Throughput Sequencing
Introduction to visualizing and analyzing genome-scale data as networks
High Throughput Sequencing
New features in Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) including IPA Advanced Analytics
High Throughput Sequencing
Variants and NGS in the IGV Browser - visualizing large data sets with IGV
High Throughput Sequencing
Intro to biological network and their construction methods including genome sequences, omics data, literature mining, etc.
High Throughput Sequencing
Intro to interaction networks, predicting networks, finding avaialble interaction data as well as visualization and analysis tools
High Throughput Sequencing
Building, retrieving, visualizing and analyzing biological networks
High Throughput Sequencing
This training will introduce Cytoscape for data visualization and networks analysis. It is useful for researchers using omics data such as transcriptomics.
High Throughput Sequencing
Finding common transcription factor binding motifs for multiple gene or for the same gene (especially for yeast)
High Throughput Sequencing
Protein Association Network Analysis Using STRING database of known and predicted protein interactions
High Throughput Sequencing
DAVID: Functional enrichment analysis - database for annotation, visualization and integrated discovery
High Throughput Sequencing
NGS Platforms Short Videos: A Cost-Benefit Analysis - examine questions like cost benefit of purchasing a sequencher or contracting out, 2012 timeline of NGS platforms
High Throughput Sequencing
How to Check the Quality of Illumina Sequencing Reads with FastQC
High Throughput Sequencing
Trimming Adapters from Fastq Reads - how ot use cutadapt to trim NGS reads